About me

My name is Peter Patt, and since the mid-1980s, I've been a passionate traveler, exploring the world with my camera. As a dedicated photographer, I focus on finding the most beautiful spots for railway and tram photography. I've also been fascinated by nature-, landscape-, and astro-photography for many years.

My entire professional life, I've worked in various positions in the vast world of tourism: at German ticket wholesalers like Aeroworld, an airline (Sabena), at flight reservation system like "Amadeus", or at specialized tour operators like Tanago or Intra Express where I started guiding tours to destinations in Europe, Asia, and Africa in the early 1990s. I rely on years of experience and have been working with the same partner agency in the countries visited  for over 30 years in some cases. Together with friends and partners, I present you interesting destinations for railway and tram photographers every year. The tour planning (with a few exceptions) is not oriented towards meal times in restaurants but rather towards optimal lighting conditions and the possibility of photographing in remote locations.

Actually, I wanted to take it a bit easier at 60+ years now and focus more on myself, my family, and friends. But as it often happens, people suddenly come around and ask about a trip here or an event there. So, my plans for a quiet time on my sun-terrace turned into a travel program for railway and tram enthusiasts again. With the help of Luc Koenot, who develops the tram tour itineraries, many contacts worldwide, and ultimately loyal companions, all started again after the end of Corona. First to the trams in Calcutta, then to the trams "east of the Andes" in South America, or in May 2024 to the M62-diesel locomotives of Mongolia. The "photo tours for enthusiasts"-virus just won't let go...

"Reisen mit Peter" (translated to "Travel with Peter") is the name of my new baby and it reflects what is important to me: traveling with friends and like-minded people. On my trips, you have plenty of time to capture the most beautiful locations on photo or video. I value a relaxed, casual atmosphere. My group tours offer first-class photo opportunities and good hotels wherever possible. I don't organize mass events with 50 or 80 participants where I can only communicate with a megaphone. I prefer small groups of 15 to 25 participants for my railfan and tramfan tours, ensuring a personal travel experience. Even if this is sometimes associated with higher costs, it is important to me not to compromise the quality of my trips. Most of my trips are exclusively organized by me, but occasionally I also offer tours from other organizers who I like in terms of the tour program and whose quality is the same as mine.

Naturally, a railway or tram tour is not comparable to a trip to the beaches of Spain. So, if you expect everything to run exactly according to a Swiss-like schedule or that we will have dinner at a fixed time every day, you will be disappointed. We are dependent on so many external, uncontrollable factors: locomotives are complex machines that can fail, tracks can be blocked, dispatchers can have a coffee for too long, or we can be persistently chased by a  cloud. In other words: please be flexible and stay relaxed. Then you will enjoy every outing with me!

I am always happy to receive suggestions and comments on my tour programs. Even if you have a travel idea in mind that you haven't found in my overview of future tours yet but would like to see implemented, please contact me by email!

"Reisen mit Peter" will be a company organized under German law from November 1, 2024, in which long-standing customers and very good friends hold shares. The focus on predominantly railway and tram topics on my trips is therefore guaranteed.

I would also like to point out that I regularly send out a free newsletter with current travel topics. Would you like to be added to the list of recipients? Then please click on this link: "Yes, I would like to subscribe to the free newsletter."

Would you like to see more of my pictures? Visit me on "Clickasnap" and "Railpictures". 

I look forward to meeting you on one of my tours!

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